Sunday, March 01, 2009

A Good Weekend

Is it really March 1? We are waiting for a massive far nothing is happening.

The weekend was fun. Rachel spent it here at home. We had a great time on Saturday. First we went to the gym, did a little shopping for spatulas, had lunch at Pumpernicks and I was able to refrain from ordering their delicious carrot cake. Next, we splurged on pedicures and then came home to relax with Marvin and the pups. Today, Rachel went with Marvin for sushi and then drove back to Philly for a school meeting.

I love when Rachel comes home. We all have a good time and the pups are always thrilled to have her to play and cuddle with.. I really like my daughter and enjoy her company. I sometimes can't believe she is mine... I have to pinch myself.

Well, I think I'll look out the window to check for snow and then go to sleep.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you had a fantastic weekend!

    It's even getting cold here again....
