Friday, March 13, 2009

Friday Update

This week I was completely out of wack due to the time change. I can't really remember what I did, except for the usual trips to PT, the gym and my knitting groups., But despite my inability to recall the week, I did finish Celia's First Noro Sweater and started a Baby Dragon Scarf with some Noro Aurora. The photos are below. And of course here is one of RP so if Rachel takes a peek here, she can see how cute he is.


  1. R.P. looks really cute!!! And so does the sweater :)

  2. R.P. sure is cute, and so is the Noro sweater. What fun colors! I love that Aurora yarn. Now that I'm learning k1b I may have to knit up my entire stash just so I can justify getting some of that....

  3. R.P. is cute - as always!

    I've never used Noro at all. The coloring is gorgeous!
