Friday, June 30, 2006


The chimney is coming down, block by block. The jack hammer noise is annoying. Almost like being inside an MRI tube. Pups are tolerating it fairly well. They burrow under blankets and amazingly, they sleep. I am not having the easiest time concentrating, so I've been folding laundry, looking through magazines and trying to just get through it. A few more days of noise and then onto the next stage of the project.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


Finally! Sky is cloudy, but there are breaks of blue. Hopefully we will get a reprieve and the soggy ground will dry out. Maybe they can resume the house stuff. Yesterday I did cast on and purled the first row for the Brea bag before Stanley interrupted me.

OD and FD costumes have arrived from Russia. They are magnificent and fit the kids well. Everyone is pleased. CD dresses are just about done too. I've been doing inventory and organizing my Swavorski stone stash to be sure I have replacements. Russian glue is usally like concrete, but with all the gyrations and lifts, stones do pop off. I also plan to sew boot covers for Kevin's CD outfits. Looks pretty simple, but we'll see.

I ordered a pattern for a ribbed corset from Mode Knits. Looks challenging, but if I can do it, Rachel will look fabulous in it.

Think I'll check the garden to see how well the weeds have done!

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Gray blurs

Rain, wind, rain, wind. That's the extent of it. The days are becoming gray blurs. I feel very soggy. Pups just sleep. No work is getting done on the house. Yesterday I cooked, went through my clothes and collected three hefty bags for Goodwill. I haven't watched TV at all. I should really ride the exercise bike. OY..where should I throw myself? OK, enough nonsense babble. I'm going to cast on for the back of the Brea bag. Gee, didn't I say I was going to do that yesterday???

Monday, June 26, 2006


The rain has been relentless. Perfect for being a knitting/crocheting duck. Yesterday I got sidetracked and started to crochet a bag using the mohair I planned to exchange at Yarnings. Well, I thought it would felt up nicely, but the result was disappointing. It looks like a torpedo cover! I'll find something to use it for. There was one skein left that I swapped for some Rowan Kid Silk Night in a creamy ivory. Today I'll cast on for the front of the Brea Bag and think about what to do with the Rowan yarn.

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Good knitting weather

The weather has been horrendous. Perfect for knitting, but not great for the house construction. I wound up at The Main Skein in Ambler. Marie has a beautiful assortment of all types of yarns. The atmosphere is cozy too. I bought some Araucania Nature Wool in a cavern color to try another bag for Rachel. Also went through my stash and found some bright red Cascade wool. I have one side done of the Brea Bag from the Berrocco free pattern section. Rachel likes it. Today I hope to finish the front. Still have to head to Yarnings to swap my mohair.

OK, now to cast on for the Brea Bag.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Getting a break

Its a dismal, rainy Saturday morning. Looks like we get a break from the construction. The house stucco has been stripped away. So far the inspection reports accurately detected the problem areas. The crew has been very good. Not one lazy person and the place is cleaned up nicely at the end of the day. I've been cooped up here by choice. The pups are tolerating the process well, but both came home stressed out and with some GI upsets. Nothing a little pepcid and flagyl won't cure!

I crocheted a small digital camera sac for Rachel to slip her new camera in. Dug into my stash and found some Classic Elite Mayan alpaca, or was it llama, in a vibrant purple and turquoise and purple soft, nubby, novelty yarn to fashion a flap. Its cute. Rachel likes it. Took about an hour to work up.

Not sure what I'll do today. Maybe head over to Yarnings and see about swapping two unused skeins of Wool in the Woods mohair for a different colorway. Rachel and her dad may take a drive in her new car to NJ to visit her grandparents. Good distraction from an intense week of skating.

I'm really blowing my WW program. Not proud of it either.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Isn't this fun???

So far the back of the house is down to the plywood.
Water damage is what we expected and a new
discovery...framing that holds the sunroom together
and where the the family room ballons away from from
kitchen area, is separating. There are huge gaps which
is obviously causing chronic drywall cracks. They are
working their way around to the front and a big
question is what they will discover under the
stonework covering the garage area. The front outside
entrance and archway area has to be replaced. Entire
chimney is coming down. Back windows will be removed
next week, flashing installed and the alarm rewired.
The workers are nice, respectful, neat and clean up
everything. Isn't this fun?? We are not shocked by
anything! While the process is a magillah, having a
good cast of characters really eases the stress.

Rachel is driving herself to the rink. First week skating at the
crack of fog is exhausting for all the kids. I will
go later to watch and help out with a costume fitting.

Yesterday I reorganized my knitting room and have more
yarn for seven lifetimes. I am going to try really
hard to use what I have. Last night I knit up a quick bag using turquoise mohair.
Have to make the strap and then I'll felt it.

I'll pick the boys up today. Hopefully RP's
pancreatitis has calmed down and will not become a
chronic problem. Stanley is with him so that should

Wednesday, June 21, 2006


They are cutting open my house with buzz saws and crowbars. It doesn't sound too good. Its gonna be a long day.
Rachel is skating, the pups are at the kennel. I may have to find a place to go if my knitting room isn't soothing.
I was geared up for this yesterday, but today I don't know. I better go.

Monday, June 19, 2006


Its almost 8AM and its unusual not being at the rink. Even more strange to vaguely hear Rachel wake up at 5:15AM and leave for the rink, by herself, in her little red car. Stanley and I just stared at each other, but we did not get up. Rachel wants to do this on her own now. Its time. She is capable and competent. RP is bent out of shape about this too. A new adjustment for all of us.

I am waiting for the contracters to get here. Today they do the prep work and install the scaffolding. I want to continue straightening up and moving infrequently used books to the basement shelves.

The new shawl book has some interesting patterns. Hopefully things will settle down soon so I can decide on my project. Its awful not being able to make a decision.. My brain is in a spasm!

I miss Rachel. So do Stanley and RP.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Feeling Scattered

Today we make the final interior preparations before the house repairs begin tomorrow morning. I have to go to Target to buy flat bed sheets to cover furniture, must move skating costumes into other closets and take pictures off of walls etc. Dust will most likely permeate the house through the process. All of our shrubs were removed and placed in the back garden. Sadly, we will lose our birch tree and possibly our holly tree. The noise from concrete saws, the pounding...oy. The pups will be groomed on Wednesday. If its too noisy, they will stay with the vet for a few days. Stay far away from this builder, Gambone Brothers. ....Ranting does not make me feel better. We have no choice but to get through this.

I'm sort of doing OK on my WW program. I did lose a couple of pounds, but need to really adhere to the rules if I am going to establish some better eating habits.

Last night I puttered at B&N and found a small book on Shawls. Think I'll pour a cup of coffee and go look through it before my day really gets going.

Friday, June 16, 2006

She's driving

Rachel is driving. She passed her test in a record ten minutes, about the same amount of time as it took the dentist to insert my new crown.

Well, she's about to leave for the rink, buy herself...guess i'll take a few deep breaths and retreat to my yarn stash.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Progress in small steps

I'm making progress. Had another good day on WW. I'm already feeling better...less bloated and squishy. Last night was very stormy. It put me in the mood to work up the sleeve on one of the children's sweaters I have going. Its called "Tista" and is from one of the new Noro books. I'm using Blossom and Kureyon in a rather odd color combo..browns, beiges, purples, oranges and greens. I may actually get this done before the little one its promised for grows out of it.

One more day before Rachel takes her driving test. More preparation for the house stuff. Still marinating about a special project.

Off to pack lunches, knitting and skate gear.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Successful day

I made it through a WW day successfully. I knew I could do it. Now to get through today. One day at a time. Baby goals are best for me.

Still waiting for an inspirational knock on the head so I can get a knitting/crochet project underway. Something the house magillah.

The handy man came last night and took down all the mini blinds in preparation for the construction. The rest of the week shrubs will be removed, etc. This weekend we'll organize the interior to project furniture. I expect lots of annoying dust.

Rachel has two days before she takes her driving test. She's excited. Her car is radiant red. Maybe my knitting project will be that color. hmmmm...

Now for another cup of coffee and 2 tbsp of reduced fat milk!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


I almost got through an entire first day on my diet until I weakened and snitched some PB late last night. That is my major weakness, peanut butter. Especially Skippy, but Jif will do. I have to do better today. I will get there. Just heard from a friend who is down 49 lbs...I can do this.

Not much knitting or crochet yesterday. Still looking through books for inspiration. Lace/ cable project, crocheted child's coat ? Who knows? I need to find a project that I really want to do and one that will consume me. The house renovation is starting Monday. I will be getting up at 4:30Am to pack lunches and get Rachel out the door to the rink. The poodles will be out of wack for a while too.

Transitions are always tough and lately everything non skating related is faklempt. Plowing some muddy fields, but eventually we'll get through it.

Monday, June 12, 2006


Finally, Grandma and Grandpa came to watch. Aunt Susie and Brian too. Rachel and Kevin skated well and were very impressive. It was hard to believe this was only their fifth run through. Many people expressed amazement at their performance for such a short time being together. Rachel was thrilled they came to watch. They were thrilled to be there. I was all butterflies inside....happy, very happy.

I tried to make a few granny squares to get familiar with the directions for this adorable coat I would like to make. Crochet directions confuse me sometimes.

This is the last week before summer skating and house repairs start. It will be a busy time and I hope to feel less disconbobulated once things get going. I need to take some control of me, so I've made a commitment to return to Weight Watchers. I have the home program as well as a month subscription online to get me organized and keep me accountable for my actions! I really need to do this and stick with it.

Rachel has her last driving lesson this morning, then we are off to the rink.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Introduction to Rachel's World

Today is Exhibiton day at the rink. We will see a mix of beginners, ensemble kids, free style skaters and a few competitive ice dance teams doing very early run throughs of their Free Dance programs. Rachel is excited because family is coming for the first time to watch her and Kevin "live." Scheduling conflicts and travel distance to events have made it difficult for them to come, but today is local and low key. I hope all goes well and everyone enjoys themselves.

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Crochet bug

Its been a relaxing day. Rachel and her dad went into NYC to visit a friend and see some sights. I caught up around the house, took a trip to Yarnings and purchased "candytots" by Candi Jensen. I have the crochet bug and fell in love with a hooded coat made from Granny squares using Noro Kureyon, my favorite yarn. Lots of brilliant color. I have lots of Noro in my stash, maybe enough for this project. Think I'll mosey upstairs with the poodles and check it out.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Steady Progress

Birds start chirping outside the window way before dawn. Stanley and I listen, wondering what all the excitement is about.
The weather has been rainy and cool. I've been working steadily on the crocheted baby sweater while I watch Rachel and Kevin skate. Each day they make progress. They have beautifully choreographed programs. Its so satisfying to see Rachel completely happy with her partner. Kevin is a rare treasure. We feel very fortunate he came into our lives. Kevin definitely ups the fun factor!

Time to pack the knitting and crocheting and get on with the day.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Back to the blog

Wow, its been quite a long time since I blogged. Maybe I'll try to get back into it. Today its supposed to rain. A good day to knit or crochet. Recently I completed a felted buttonhole bag using medium blue and orange Cascade Yarn. I am crocheting a child's sweater from the Interweave Knits recent Crochet issue using lime green Berrocco cotton twist from my stash.

In a few weeks Rachel will be driving. Her summer skating schedule also starts and if she is not too tired to drive to the rink at 6AM, she may make this trek by herself. Rachel has a fabulous new ice dance partner and they are training hard in preparation for the new season.

Most of my summer will be dealing with major exterior house repairs.

Well I am a bit rusty with this writing so I'll end for today and try again tomorrow