Is summer over yet? I am ready for cooler temperatures. The weeks go by, but feel very unsettled. And at times I've been kind of cranky and not in the mood for much.
My laptop recently went kaput. We bought a new Toshiba. After a few days, it was obvious the gizmo was not configured properly, so we returned it. I am getting used to my new Sony. One of these days I would love a MAC, but its not currently in the budget. In addition to that expense, Rachel and I also needed new cell phones.
The weather has been hot and stormy. My container plants have been happy and I do miss my big garden. Tomatoes and cukes are starting to come in. My basil, parsley and oregano are plentiful.
My weekly knitting groups keep me sane. I am finishing the baby items I've been working on. All of the babies are doing fine. I especially enjoy being the traveling granny. It really is such a treat.
Going to the gym has become part of my daily routine. This surprisingly has been easy for me. But, I need to get back on the wagon with my eating habits. I think my food issues are part of why I become cranky and unsettled. Funny thing how I know this, but lose the motivation to keep myself accountable and behaving responsibly.
I plan to start a Medical Terminology online course in a few weeks. That will keep me busy and feeling productive. I'm continuing to monitor the medical coding and billing field to see how health care reforms will affect my future career plans.
Rachel has been coming home on the weekends. We putter, sometimes cook and today was especially fun...she started knitting again. I hope Rachel continues. She is a very good knitter.
The pups are fine. Feisty as ever. I bought them a wading pool and they are not too sure about it. I have three eccentric, comical, goofy critters.
I am bored with summer and ready for the comfortable fall weather and winter knitting. Here are a few pics of what we have been up to.
I don't think I could get my 2 in a pool. Glad to hear Rachel is knitting again and that all is well with you!