Its a calm, quiet day...that is unusal, but I am enjoying it. I haven't blogged in a while. The computer becomes so consuming at times. I like to look through Ravelry for inspiration, but am finding I have no interest in cataloging my stash or books. I try to enter my new projects so I have a handle on what I am doing, but other then that I use it mainly for inspiration.
RP, Stanley and Zippy have settled in. Zippy is about 22 weeks now and still very much in puppy mode, but so cute and fun. Stanley and she get along famously. RP has his moments where he will sit quietly and listen to what she is telling him, but for the most part he still remains in the distance. Poor little guy has degenerative disc problems and doesn't always feel like being an acrobat.
This morning I ran errands and am spending the afternoon knitting on my various projects.
Soon I have to find a dress for Deb's Labor Day wedding. Rejoined WW today to get back on track. So far so good. Being on a diet is no fun, but if I think of it as improving my overall lifestyle I can deal with it. I goof up sometimes, but I'm not beating myself up anymore.
Think I'll get back to my knitting